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Bark n Wag 15 Minute Vet Talk

Feb 19, 2020

When you bring that soft, sweet-smelling little ball of a puppy into your home, you know right away that she depends on you for, well, everything. It’s up to you to give her all the care she needs every day. It can be a little intimidating — she needs the best puppy food, plenty of attention, gentle training

Feb 9, 2020

Dogs Try To Befriend Porcupine And Things Don't Go As Planned


Here's what to do if this happens to you (ouch!)

PUBLISHED ON 06/29/2018

It was one of the scariest things Peggy Gamblin had ever experienced. During the night, her two dogs, Bentley Nicole and Bullwinkle, had gone...

Feb 2, 2020

Dogs and Ticks: What You Need to Know

Pet Health and Safety  •   Maggie Dean  •   Aug 30, 2018


When is "tick season"?

“Tick season” can vary depending on where you live. In general, summer and fall are peak tick seasons; however, because ticks like warmer climates, those who live in regions that stay...